18/12/2018 | by Silver Ant Tattoo

Techniques of pain handling when getting tattoos that you might have never heard of

Before we go to the technique, we would like to list several things that affect your ability of handling pain.


First is your sleep the night before your tattoo session. Your body needs a good sleep to be fully charged and get ready for the next day. Handling pain will drain your energy, and of course if you are not at a good energy level due to lack of sleep, your fuel tank will be exhausted much quicker.


Second is the food you eat before your tattoo session. Everyone says that you should eat before, but none of them tell you what to eat. The point here is not how much you eat, but how many calories you take in for the same amount. We do not recommend you eat too much, because you will not be comfortable with a big stomach and it will take you a lot of energy and time to digest all the food you just take in. What we recommend is eating enough nutrient dense food, so it will give you more energy for the same amount of food and you will feel more comfortable with your stomach too.

Source: Silver Ant Tattoo

Third is pain relief products. Thanks to technology, there are a lot of good products that help to reduce the pain but not affect the quality of tattoos at all. However, you still need to be careful to make sure you get tattoo at a reliable tattoo shop where the artists know how to use the products and all the products should come from qualified manufacturers.

Source: Silver Ant Tattoo

What will you do if you are at best health condition and the artists use all kind of pain relief products but you still cannot handle the pain? Even though your body is ready, your mind is not ready yet. You will try to flex your muscle all the time to go against the pain, your breaths are not consistent. That is the reason why your energy depleted so quickly and go to the point your body cannot handle anymore. It is also really bad when your body send too much of the painful signal to your brain and your body starts to release a lot of blood plasma. That makes the tattooed area red and swollen causing the tattoo artists unable to keep going. Some people seem to be more experienced when they try to do something else to ignore the pain like watching movies, reading books or listening to musics. That is not the ultimate solution because you cannot ignore the pain and you cannot run away from it.

Source: Silver Ant Tattoo

We will share what we think is the best solution right now. First step, you need to be aware that tattoo does not kill you, it is not harmful to your health and it does not even make you bleed. You feel pain because under your skin there are a lot of sensory nerves which send the signal to your brain and your brain will react to it. What you need to do is set your mind to accept the pain as a part of your body, observe it and try not to react to it. You can calm down your brain by telling yourself that you are safe and the pain is just temporary or even you can motivate yourself that “I can handle much more than this, let me see how painful it could be". Breathing is very important too, because it will keep your heart beats stable and utilise your energy efficiently. It is not easy to accept the pain for the first 10 to 15 minutes. However, you will definitely feel better after that. Pain means depleting energy, so the whole point we talk from the beginning to the end is all about trying to be at your best condition before tattoo session and be at the right stage of mind during tattoo session. Try it out and you will be surprised about how strong you are.

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